Let this #StayHome re-define your health.
While you thank God for the grace of life, it will be necessary you sit down and evaluate how you are utilizing the gracious lifeline God has giving you. Are you managing your body well enough? Lots of people are suffering from preventable chronic diseases and sicknesses which is basically as a result of poor management of their health.
Certainly everyone wish to live a healthy life but not everyone is taking deliberate steps to achieving it. Too often than none, lots of people do not pay attention to their health until it is beginning to fail or has even failed them already. Healthy living does involve deliberate efforts and actions.
If you’re trying to live a healthier life, making the necessary changes in your diet and lifestyle is up to you. Whether you have health issue or not, you can heal, prevent and/or reduce plausibility of getting sick. Where you get sick despite trying to live healthy, you will recover quickly because your body mechanism just need little more boosting and you are fine compared to someone that has not been living healthy at all.
EatToHealth is challenging you to make this period a defining moment for your health and that of your loved ones. We want to guide you to healthy living. We want you to march down your diseases/sicknesses and then march on to enjoying good health.
Below are highlight of how you can live healthier going forward:
- Know Your Health Status: Getting tested to know your health status would have been the best thing to do but not at this #StayHome period. It isindeedvery helpful for you to know your health status. This is the genesis of healthy living. Know the state of your body so you know what you are fighting or preventing. You cannot embark on a journey without knowing your destination.But if you already know your health status before now, that is good for you. It is easy to know progress rate and appreciate your efforts when you know exactly where you are coming from and where you have gotten to. You can start on general maintenance level, anyway!
- Drink Enough Water: Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. It is important to stress the need to avoid cold water this period as it will not help your body against COVID19. Taking warm or herbal tea water in the morning will be helpful for the sinuses against phlegm unlike taking cold water. Room temperature will just be good during the day and this should be taken regularly, not just in between meals.
- Exercise Regularly: The importance of exercise cannot be over emphasized. The tissue cells of which the body is composed require daily stimulation to maintain their elasticity and pliability. Exercise has been scientifically proven to help immune system, help muscles and nerves, cardiovascular system, enhances blood and oxygen circulation, boost metabolism, helps mental alertness and the list goes on.
- Eat Fruits And Vegetables: theyare rich in vitamins and minerals that help you feel healthy and energized. They are also rich in anti-oxidants which help boost immune system. They are referred to as living foods (especially when not boiled or exposed to any heat). You need more of living foods to keep living. You have lots of fruitsand vegetables options around e.g Mango, Alvocado, Banana, Pineapple, Apple, Pear Apple, Grape, Grape fruit, Letuce, Watermelon, Cucumber, Carrot, Spinach, Ugu, Curli Flower, Cellery, Kale, Parsley e.t.c.
- Eat Fibre Rich Foods: Fiber plays an essential role in your digestive, heart, and skin health, and may improve blood sugar control, weight management, and more. Options include Whole grain oat, Plantain Flour, Fibre Flour, Nutri Flour, Brown Rice, Ofada Rice, Potatoes, Yam, Beans e.t.c.
- Drink healthy teas: Most healthy teas are rich in antioxidants that can improve the function of your entire body. They help burn fat and cholesterol, enhance blood circulation, improve heart health, correct organ dysfunctions, enhance metabolism e.t.c.
- Stress Less, Rest Well: Body restoration occurs during rest. According to Harvard Medical School, benefits of rest include increased concentration, memory function and overall mood. Of course, sleep is so important to your general rest and well-being. Good for you, this #StayHome should help you rest well enough.
- Replace white sugar with natural sweeteners such as honey, black strap molasses e.t.c. Also replace table salt with sea salt. White Sugar and table salt have been researched to weaken immune system when consumed over a long period of time. They are linked to diabetes, hypertension, Arthritis, nervous breakdown etc
- Avoid Processed Foods: which contains harmful chemicals in form of preservatives, colouring, sweeteners etc Go for fresh foods instead. Unfortunately most people consume stock up lots processed foods because of their ability to last long in storage.
- Avoid Soft Drinks, Alcohol, Cigarette: Softdrinks are not soft on your body system. Studies has shown that they cause lots of damages including excess weight gain (Obesity), Type II Diabetes, heart problem, weakening of bones due to high phosphate e.t.c. Cigarrete company will always include ‘ministry of health warns that smokers are liable to die young’ in their advert. Desist from these trio and you will thank yourself for it.
- Be Happy And Keep Your Mind Free From Grudges, Offenses: positive thoughts actually induce the production of chemicals in our bodies that enhance immunity, cell repair, and building strength. studies have shown that happy people live longer and healthier lives. Same way negative or unpleasant thoughts weakens immunity which is why we encourage people not to panic or exercise fear in this period. Calm down and be focus on the solutions.
- Be More In-tune With God: There is the God-factor in life and it is supreme. God is the giver of life and has the final say over all. Being close to God will make you enjoy his promises of good health and prevent you from bad lifestyle that are detrimental to your health e.g smoking, alcohol, fornication and adultery etc Being intune with God will make you enjoy supernatural health. God is all you need in this life and beyond.
Visit our website www.eattohealth.com.ng to view and order wide range of healthier food alternatives. You can also reach out to us for personal counseling or consultation on any health issue. We are passionate and committed to your wellness.
Yours in Wellness
BukkyGbenro Falohun (BGF)
Family, Life and Health Coaches
08038007596, 08022912018